ICC outreach meeting in northern Uganda. The Court’s communications work – conducted through public information, external relations and outreach – remains one of the its core functions and aims to reach out, most importantly, to victims and affected communities but also to governments, regional and international media and the public at large.

Uganda captures the intersection between justice, amnesties and reparations for victimised perpetrators. In Uganda, large numbers of children and adults were abducted and abused by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and forced to commit atrocities as child soldiers or used as sex slaves.

As a result, these victims on returning home have faced marginalisation and stigmatisation in their communities. In addition, the Ugandan context faces challenges associated with reparations in cross-border contexts – given that the LRA is responsible for atrocities in the DR Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan, there are understandable pressures for reparations in each of these contexts.

Also the Ugandan government has itself been found responsible for atrocities in the DR Congo by the International Court of Justice and been ordered to pay billions in reparations. Finally, the International Criminal Court has been funding development in Uganda through a Trust Fund for Victims in the absence of the prosecution of members of the LRA before it and the Ugandan government’s unimplemented reparations strategy.


Our report on reparations is here: Uganda.

Photo Credit: Coalition for the ICC
Arts & Humanities Research Council
Queens University Belfast