During the 1980s Guatemala witnessed a state-orchestrated genocide against the Maya-Achi and other indigenous people as part of its counter-insurgency campaign in the highlands.

Since then Guatemala has seen victim mobilisation at the national and regional level (15 cases at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights), the role of collective reparations including those geared towards acknowledging a genocide against indigenous people, and the intersection between reparations and development in a poor country with fragile state institutions.

In 2003, the National Reparations Programme was set up in Guatemala as a result of a recommendation made by the Comision para el Esclarecimiento Historico (Truth Commission) to provide redress to hundreds of thousands of victims murdered, disappeared and displaced.


We have written two reports on victims’ rights and reparations in Guatemala.

Realising Victims’ Rights in Guatemala Report 2020

Reparations in Guatemala

Photo Credit: L. Moffett
Arts & Humanities Research Council
Queens University Belfast